God forbids, [or we prevent] that there will ever be a Holocaust again.
2015 Who needs who? We need their spiritual gifts and we need to serve them (Israel) with our material gifts. Rom. 15:27. Peace on earth is hard to find. Anti-Semitism is growing alarmingly and is worse than in the 40s. A young Jewish woman, a mother of four, left the store in Antwerp in shock when they told her: We currently do not sell to Jews.”
Another Jew in…
Belgium was denied help by a doctor, because of being Jewish.
The vice president of the Swedish parliament, said the Jews must give up their religious identity in order to become Swedish. These awful events have caused the number of number of new immigrants (Aliyah) to rise, in comparison with previous years.
According to the latest annual figures at the end of 2014, there was a 32% increase in Aliyah; 26,500 new immigrants arrived in Israel.
We will encourage Israel with the words of God himself. Isaiah 41: 13-20: “ Do not be afraid , I am with thee, be not dismayed, for I am your God, I hold your right hand, Again…..do not fear, I will help you. O worm Jacob, O little Israel, for I myself will help you, and your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel.” What a great chapter to read. But ‘worm Jacob’ is definitely not the most flattering description used by the Lord for His people.
This little people is just a small part of the world, about 0.2 percent, but the number of Nobel Prizes won by Jews is a multiple of 0.2 percent: around 22 percent. Let’s be honest, in many areas Israel has offered a unique contribution to the world community. (I, for example, would not be sitting behind a computer).
Let Israel be called worm, the nations are called a drop in the bucket or dust on the scales. In Deuteronomy 7:7,8 it says: “He didn’t choose Israel because of its abundance over the other nations, but because he loved His people.” Thanks to God’s love, Israel exists and will continue to exist. The world may yell and prefer to see the Jews disappear. Europe lost it completely: to boycott Israel from 2015? Sorry, they themselves will eat sour grapes.Whether You bless Israel, or you curse Israel. Whether you will receive a blessing or you will be cursed. Our choice!
‘Hamas has to be taken from the list of terrorists’, says the UN. But last Friday again a rocket fell in the south. The third one already. The great ones in the world say: ”I will deal with ISIS.” We will and we can. You can get really sick when you see how the media presents itself, but fortunately God reigns and He Himself will deal with the people who oppose Israel. Eventually, God Himself will intervene.
Back to the little worm. Special, we find the same word “little worm” in Psalm 22: 6: “But I am a worm and not a man, scorned by man and despised by the people.” The worm inPsalm 22 cries out: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me, why are you so far from saving me.” To the little worm Jacob (Israel) the Lord says: Do not fear….I will help you…..your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel.” The One is forsaken by God and has accomplished everything, so the other, little worm Jacob, doesn’t need to fear, because the Holy One of Israel is his redeemer.
We wish to be living that hope in 2015!