Holocaust survivors – Painting course for Holocaust survivors with Marc de Klijn

Mar 1, 2016

We are very glad that we had the opportunity to organize a painting course in the fall of 2015 with the Jewish artist Marc de Klijn. He himself is a survivor of the Holocaust, and was willing to give lessons to a group of survivors. In cooperation with social work a location was found and people were invited. After a first introduction the course began with seven enthusiastic elderly people. Marc began his lessons with teaching how to mix different colors, followed by an assignment. After four lessons the assignments became more interesting. The participants were very enthusiastic, and there was a relaxed atmosphere. Everyone loved to be creative, and it was no problem if you did have or had no experience in painting. Marc helped everyone at his or her level. During the evaluation we heard that people were very grateful that they had followed these lessons, it was instructive and that it had done them inwardly good. Everyone hopes for a possible sequel.