Young students – No more begging, but working towards a future for themselves and their families

Aug 29, 2016

These Ethiopian youths have made aliyah and attend school. Their parents live in poverty as they do not speak Hebrew and therefore cannot find work. The young people have no money, no extras, and do not envisage a bright future for themselves. They hang around together and eventually turn to drugs or alcohol. A new, well-planned youth program has been initiated that will offer a new opportunity to five young people aged 16 to 18 years.

We are commencing the project in September, during the summer holiday period, but will continue into the new school year, when these youngsters will maintain gardens and do outside work for three hours after school three times a week. They will be under the supervision of a coordinator and all will be receiving a small salary. They will also participate in a workshop once a week in which they will receive guidelines for their lives. The coordinator will stay in contact with the boys’ schools in order to gain feedback on their motivation and resulting successes.

We very much look forward to the outcome of this activity. Yad L’Ami will be financing this project for at least three months, and I will monitor it very closely. Our hope and prayer is that these young people will regain perspective and the motivation to build toward their own futures.   Please help us to cover this cost!